Browse Items (7 total)
- Interest is exactly "Jesus"
Secured borders are a national priority.…
Tags: badge, barriers, blue, borders, Conservative, Constitution, foreign policy, illegal immigration, illegals, immigration, invader, MAGA, race, red, refugees, Republican, security, Terrorism, Texas, Trump, U.S. Flag, white
Today Americans are able to elect a pres…
Hillary is a Satan, and her crimes and lies had proved just how evil she is.
And even though Donald Trump isn’t a saint by any means, he’s at least an
honest man and he…
Secured borders are a national priority.…
Tags: badge, barriers, blue, borders, Conservative, Constitution, foreign policy, illegal immigration, illegals, immigration, invader, MAGA, race, red, refugees, Republican, security, Terrorism, Texas, Trump, U.S. Flag, white
You are an Awesome God, i will forever p…
and kindness.
#ittakestime #soblessed #waitingonthelord
#Iord #amen #hallelujah #salvation #Blacksforchrist #jesus #jesussaves
#prayer #jesusistruth #jesusforall…
Tags: blue, civil rights, empowerment, Love, religion, religious figure, sacred, text, white
God created you and loves you! Never for…
.#ittakestime #soblessed #waitingonthelord#lord #amen #hallelujah #salvation
#Blacksforchrist #jesus #jesussaves #prayer #jesusistruth #jesusforall
#Iiveforchrist #america #saved #Christians…
Conservative Christians. Pro—Iife/ gun/ …
Tags: army_of_jesus, black, Conservative, Fear, gun, illustration, red, religion, religious figure, sacred
Today Americans are able to elect a pres…
Hillary is a Satan, and her crimes and lies had proved just how evil she is.
And even though Donald Trump isn’t a saint by any means, he’s at least an
honest man and he cares…
Tags: Anger, Army of Jesus, black, can't trust the Clintons, Clinton, Conservative, darkness and light, illustration, Joy, meme, red, religion, religious figure, sacred, Trump, voting, white